McFarlin Library has an excellent collection of motion pictures on DVD (some are also on Blu-Ray). These include not only classic motion pictures, but also recent popular films as well as some television series. The library purchases copies of all Academy Award Winners.
Motion pictures on DVD and Blu-Ray are shelved on the Browsing Level in the West Wing of the Library.
To find out if the Library owns a copy of a movie you're looking for, the best thing to do is to search Summon. Search for the film's title. Summon will return a list of all titles in the library's collections that match your search. If you retrieve several hits you may wish to limit by CONTENT TYPE to "Video Recording" in order to remove books or other non-relevant items from your search results. The limiters are found on the menu on the left of the Summon results list, under "REFINE YOUR SEARCH".
Be sure to make a note of the call number of the movie you want. DVDs and Blu-Rays are shelved according to their call number, just like books. They are not shelved by title. The library has thousands of films and without the call number you will have trouble finding your movie.
Students may check out media materials from the library, including DVDs and Blu-Rays. Because of their fragile nature, these materials have a more restrictive borrowing policy than do other materials, such as books.
DVDs and Blu-Rays may be checked out for 14 days. Renewals are allowed. A nonrefundable $1.00 per day fine will be charged for items not returned by the due date. Students and staff will be blocked from checking out any materials from McFarlin Library after being sent a third overdue notice. Replacement bills will be sent for items not returned. Students who habitually return media items late will lose the privilege of media check out.