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Film Studies: Need Help?

Research Services

Have questions about any of McFarlin Library's resources or services?  The research librarians are here to help you.

There are several ways to contact us:

  • Text us at: 224-357-6350 (22helpme50)
  • Phone us at: 918-631-2871
  • Send us an email at:
  • Chat with us when the chat feature is green
  • Stop by and ask for us in person at the Check-Out Desk on the Plaza Level
  • Schedule a virtual or face-to-face appointment for a one-on-one meeting with a librarian

The research librarians are available by text, phone, chat, or in-person during these hours this semester:

Monday - Friday
9:00 am - 5:00 pm

1:00-6:00 pm

Here is a complete list of current library hours.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Having Problems with the Databases?

Having problems getting into or using the library's databases from off-campus?  Here are some things to check before calling the library at 918-631-2871:

  1. Use the correct login information
    • Be sure to use your TUNet ID and password when prompted to sign in to a library database.
    • You MUST be a CURRENTLY enrolled TU student or CURRENTLY employed TU faculty or staff person at The University of Tulsa.  If you've graduated then you no longer have access to the databases. 
  2. Be sure cookies are enabled in your browser.
  3. Disable popup blockers since these can prevent some databases, such as JSTOR, from displaying content.
  4. Empty your browser's cache.  Some databases create a unique "session" when you log in to them and the browser may be loading an expired session from your cache.
  5. Delete your browser's cookies.  Occasionally a cookie can become corrupted, preventing the browser from connecting with the database.
  6. Some workplace firewalls may prevent access to the databases due to our use of a proxy server.  You may need to speak to your network administrator.
  7. Sometimes anti-virus or Internet security software may be interfering with access, such as ZoneAlarm, Norton, McAfee, etc.  If that's the case, you may need to temporarily lower or disable the security settings.
  8. Try switching to a different browser. You may have an extension installed on the original browser that interferes with the functioning of the database.  Another browser may not have that extension, or if it does, may not cause issues with the database.
  9. If you're using your browser's "incognito mode", turn it off.

Still having trouble?  Call us at 918-631-2871 and we'll do our best to assist you.