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This Library Research Guide will provide information about and access to some of the most significant research materials available from McFarlin Library related to Organizational Studies. The tabs above cover research options such as:


  • Books
  • Theses & Dissertations
  • Journal Articles
  • Library Services
  • Professional Organizations

Additional Resource Guides

Organizational Studies encompasses several different fields. Resource guides in these fields may prove to be useful. You can find these guides on the links below.

Constructing a Research Paper

Identify and Develop a Topic

Selecting a research topic is much like deciding on a travel destination. Once you have narrowed your ideas to an interesting subject, write down a brief statement about this topic. For example: "Rock groups of the 60s, their popularity and major influence on the music industry."  Once the topic is selected, write down specific questions that you'll want to answer. The research process will drive your destination. Your original topic may develop into something entirely different. You may choose to follow an alternate path and go down a different road.

Find Background Information

After determining the topic, you can map out your route. You must identify the types of sources that will provide the information needed, then determine where to find these sources. Types of sources that should be considered include books, periodicals, the Internet, and other libraries (through interlibrary loan).

The key to finding books is the online library catalog called Discovery.  Search in Discovery by selecting a keyword that best describes your topic. You can also search by title, author, subject, or keyword. In addition to books, the catalog allows you to search for periodicals, government documents, audiovisual material, and Special Collections.   

 If you get lost during your sight-seeing trip, stop and ask directions. The following reference sources will be most useful to acquire quick answers to any questions you may have.

  •  Begin with Encyclopedias, then to get off the main drag, use Subject Encyclopedias.

  •  What does it mean?  Use a Dictionary.       

  •  How much, how many?  Find Statistical Information.

  •  Who?  Find Biographical Information.

  •  How can I get in touch?  Use a Directory.

  •  Where do I go from here?  Bibliographies.

Find Journal Articles

Periodicals include newspapers, magazines, and journals. They are published regularly, daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly. Journals are periodicals containing articles written by experts in a particular field of study. If the researcher wrote the article, is it a primary source. If reporters write the article, such as in popular magazines, it is a secondary source. Typically, journal articles contain extensive bibliographies that lead to additional sources.

Journal List - If there is a specific journal that you are looking for, this will take you directly to McFarlin's holdings.

Discovery - If there is a specific article that you are looking for, you can search Summon with that article's title.

Database List - If you don't have a specific journal or article in mind, then McFarlin's databases will allow you to search multiple journals with a keyword.

Searching is seeking the answer. Research is seeking the question.

Business Research Strategy

First, ask yourself the following questions to define the type of data you are seeking and to suggest appropriate sources.

  • Is the information I need...
    • company information?
    • industry or product information?
    • business climate or environment?
    • management theory or practice?

  • Is the information I need.... specific or is it general?. For example, do you need information about a specific company or product (IBM) or about companies or products in general (all computer companies)?

  • Is the information I need ... quantitative or is it narrative?   For example, are you looking for a discussion of industry trends and forecasts (narrative) or for a chart showing sales growth over the past 5 years (quantitative)?

  • What timeframe does the information I need include?  Do you need only current information or are historical trends needed?  For example, for an industry trends project, you would probably want historical, current and future information.

Second, develop a research strategy.

Company Information

Specific company Comparing several companies
  • Directories
  • Annual reports, 10-Ks, financial filings
  • Ranking lists, Market Share Reporter
  • SIC indexes

Industry or Service

Trends or forecasts Industry information
  • Industry surveys
  • Trade journal articles
  • Industry annuals
  • Online Sources
  • Trade association publications
  • Journal articles
  • Newspaper articles
  • Online Sources

Business Climate or Environment

Economic data Regulatory data Socio-cultural data Technological factors
  • Economic indicators
  • Market indicators
  • Economic Report of the President

  • Government regulations at the federal, state, local, or international level
  • Professionals standards within the industry

  • Lifestyle data
  • Trend publications
  • Country cultural profiles

  • Journal articles
  • Industry publications

Management Theory or Practice

Management practice Standards
  • Handbooks
  • Manuals
  • Journal articles
  • Professional association publications

Third,  check out general reference tools.  The term reference tool generally means a publication providing concise, factual information arranged for quick perusal. Consider checking these sources first when you need background information or context. They will often be the only source you need.

Citing in Organizational Studies Writing

In organizational studies, as in other fields of study, it is very important that you cite the sources that you use to form and articulate your ideas. Since Organizational Studies encompasses many different fields, many citation styles may be used depending on the nature of your writing. Always use the citation style your professor requests. The most frequently used citation styles are:

For an excellent and free citation management software option, check out our page on Zotero.