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ORCID: Register for ORCID

Learn about ORCID, why it's important, and how you can register and manage your ORCID record

Step by Step Signup Instructions

Step 1: Visit

Step 2:  Enter registration details (name, email etc.)

screenshot of step 2 ORCID registration


Step 3: Select a password and confirm notification settings.

Step 4:  Establish visibility settings

There are thee visibility settings: everyone, trusted parties, only me.

Information marked as everyone can be viewed by anyone who comes to the website or consumed by anyone using the ORCID public API. 


Limited-access information that can be seen by trusted parties whom you give explicit access to your ORCID record. 


Private information can only be seen by you and trusted individuals you have granted access to help administer your ORCID record on your behalf.

For more information on visibility settings, read this article. 

Step 5: Accept the terms of use and confirm you are not a robot. 

Step 6: Is this You?

If one or more records with an identical name already exist in our system, you will be shown a list and prompted to check that none of them are yours.


Register for ORCID ID

Watch this 2 minute video for step by step instructions on signing up for your ORCID.

Add A Trusted Individual

Need help managing your profile? Add a trusted individual to help with profile management. Everything from initial upload to updating can be assigned to another member of your team.