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Applied Health Sciences: A Guide to McFarlin Library Resources: Journal Articles

This Research Guide will introduce you to the sources available at McFarlin Library for conducting research in the Applied Health Sciences field.

Acceptable Use of Electronic Resources

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Systematic downloading of the licensed and copyrighted content of McFarlin Library's electronic resources, such as the use of scripted searches, download accelerators or web robots (i.e., "bots") of any kind, is STRICTLY PROHIBITED. You should download only the content you require for your immediate research needs or course assignment. For more information, please see McFarlin Library's Acceptable Use of Electronic Resources.

Best Databases for Applied Health Sciences Research

Library Databases


The license agreements between McFarlin Library and the private companies that produce our online resources require the library to limit off campus access to current TU students and faculty/staff.  This means that when accessing library resources from off campus (including databases, electronic journals and electronic books) you will need to go into the resource either through the library's website, the catalog or a LibGuide.

When you are off campus and you click on the link for the resource, you may be prompted to enter your TUnet ID and password. This verifies that you are a member of the TU community and therefore allowed to use the resource.

If you have any problems or questions, please feel free to Ask A Librarian.

Check for Full Text

If the full text of an article isn't available from the database you're searching, look for a link that says something like "Check for full text at McFarlin Library" or maybe just "Full Text?" to see if it is available from the library in another database or maybe in print.

1. If you see a link under "Find the full text online", click on it to find the article in another McFarlin Library database.

2. If you see only a link under "Find it in print or another online source", write down the article title and date so that you can search for it in McFarlin's Journal List.

3. If you see a link under "McFarlin Library Catalog", click on that link to search for the item in Summon.  That means it's probably a book or a book chapter.

4. If you don't find what you're looking for in either the Journal List or Summon, then click on the appropriate Interlibrary Loan option to request the article from another library.